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Words can help us grow, Like horse piss help trees. (Wonderfully btw)

Monday, August 02, 2004

Genki dashite~

It was a nice day to sit outdoors and have a smoke.
A cool, cloudy, windy day to re-evaluate things.
I was thinking about my boring and unproductive life and how college is the same bullshit every day.
Friends come and go, then appear on your friendster requesting to be added as "Friends".
Classmates are still the same, boring bunch of kampung chinese from some bukit.
Some of em are quite racist as well.
A funny thing happened the other day.
There's this one chinese dude giving me shit about (oooo.. i think i can hear my neighbours' dogs humping.... damn, they sound like wild animals. maybe they're fighting. One is clearly barking, the other is whining, oh they stopped. Anyway..) how the chinese race and civilization ranks the highest on the list (which reminds me about how we had this thread in an online forum and how we all think the chinese are the most racist people in the world. Even the chinese.). He's so proud of the "ancient chinese" civilization. They were so smart, so wise, their level of knowledge on medicine had far surpassed modern science of today, their proverbs speaks of the ultimate truth and none could possibly contain a loop-hole. They spoke a language that is so detailed and so refined, there's a word for anything so communication is precise and accurate.
Their system of writing is so complex that anyone who tries to learn it would give up the moment they found out what its' all about.
"Know why they called it ancient chinese civilization?"
"Because its' really old. We had silk when western civilization still uses animal skin"
"No, its' because it doesn't exist anymore. Look at you now. You're not smart, not wise, you know jack shit about medicine that i won't be surprised if you catch a flu and die. Do you know that the whole ancient civilization is all about status, reputation and money? The emperor who built the great wall of china gave orders to destroy any written historical information so that history begins with him. Should one man happen to have more money than the other, he would make sure it is known. They love to draw the line between rich and poor- which is probably the only thing that survived till today, besides the whole status, reputation and obviously, money."

Each time i hear a chinese say he's scared he might lose face, i cringe. They will never admit that it's the same as having a dent in their pride and dignity. Saying so would make them sound arrogant thus lose face.

"Do you know why that civilization fell?"
"Because the western countries had better technology and used it against us"
"Not quite. It was opium. The westerners traded opium for silk and spices that one day, demand for opium far exceeded silk and spices. That's when they had to make a different agreement which led to the downfall of that civilization."
"Opium is weed by the way. Weed, ganja, marijuana. The mighty civilzation crumbled cause everyone got high on crack."
Yea i know i could've phrased it in a better way, but this guy was really getting on my nerves. Before we got to this topic, he was actually degrading my race and religion.
Like they say, an eye for an eye.
"How does chinese writing work?"
"It's not using words. It's an exchange of idea. If you look carefully, the character for a cart looks like a cart. Horse looks like a horse, so on and so forth. It's very straightforward and simple."
"You know what else follows this concept?"
"No, what?"
"Cave paintings"

I hope none of you got offended after reading this blog entry. It's just that the racism lies really close to one of my nerves that it's not a very good idea to strike at it. When i look at a person, it doesn't matter to me what race they are, which God they believe in or what language they speak.
I see an individual whom i would judge by his/her morals and values.

Depends on my mood though.

1 comment:

Leopard Sushi said...

