Flonne : Hey did you ever go out with Coco?
Me : Yea, why you ask?
Flonne : No wonder she looks so good now.
Funny thing was that Freyja had this theory that even i notice. Whoever i date would tend to look better. Rin was the last one, and she's looking good now. It dates all the way back to this Norwegian girl i dated in primary.... i think six.
Ah, Serraph has finally confronted his 4-year crush on Flonne. We had the moral chat and everything planned out and left them alone.
It wasn't as bad as we thought. Nothing much tho.
About Me

- NeoWakko
- Words can help us grow, Like horse piss help trees. (Wonderfully btw)
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
I thought so.
I knew that i did start writing about her. I did give her a name. Her name was Shiawase. It says there on the August 19 post titled "Its good to be back".
Hmm... Shiawase. What's there to say really...
She's someone who went through a rough time ever since they horribly discovered her fathers' death (or um....nvm).
I have to say that i honestly respect her for taking care of herself so well all these years.
I think her stories and stories of her belongs to her. I have no right to write about them for her privacy. Sorry. It would've been a very interesting entry. But i'm not selling her out. I don't think she told me so i could tell the world therefore i won't.
I'm three years and one day older by the way.
Let's change the topic to.... Coco. Her type of people.
She likes to surround herself with the type of guys who "spoil" her.
If she tells one of them a problem concerning another dude, they'll want to beat him up.
Then she'll play the "no don't beat him up~" role. Like someone who meant well and would not want a fight because of her.
Not like it matters, it's not like the fight will take place anyway. They normally back out at the last minute.
Putting that last point aside, why would she tell them in the first place knowing damn well they'll do the "manliest thing they could think of" about it?
Why play the victim after that?
Why play the role of "oh my god things are getting out of hand, i did not intend it to lead to this" knowing damn well that it would lead to that?
Pathetic. BDBU (pronounced Bee Dee Boo)
Back that bullshit up. Haha~
Ah, why am i wasting time with this.
Serraph has finally managed to give Flonne a call. I think he's going to confess. I think it's time she knows how he feels about her. Who cares what that might lead to.
She's leaving the couuntry soon anyway.
He's had feelings for her since, i think, since 2000.
He's always had this "ideal" mentality towards her.
I had to break it. Told him the truth. About how different and in a way, twisted she had become.
Still. Sad story that one.
I knew that i did start writing about her. I did give her a name. Her name was Shiawase. It says there on the August 19 post titled "Its good to be back".
Hmm... Shiawase. What's there to say really...
She's someone who went through a rough time ever since they horribly discovered her fathers' death (or um....nvm).
I have to say that i honestly respect her for taking care of herself so well all these years.
I think her stories and stories of her belongs to her. I have no right to write about them for her privacy. Sorry. It would've been a very interesting entry. But i'm not selling her out. I don't think she told me so i could tell the world therefore i won't.
I'm three years and one day older by the way.
Let's change the topic to.... Coco. Her type of people.
She likes to surround herself with the type of guys who "spoil" her.
If she tells one of them a problem concerning another dude, they'll want to beat him up.
Then she'll play the "no don't beat him up~" role. Like someone who meant well and would not want a fight because of her.
Not like it matters, it's not like the fight will take place anyway. They normally back out at the last minute.
Putting that last point aside, why would she tell them in the first place knowing damn well they'll do the "manliest thing they could think of" about it?
Why play the victim after that?
Why play the role of "oh my god things are getting out of hand, i did not intend it to lead to this" knowing damn well that it would lead to that?
Pathetic. BDBU (pronounced Bee Dee Boo)
Back that bullshit up. Haha~
Ah, why am i wasting time with this.
Serraph has finally managed to give Flonne a call. I think he's going to confess. I think it's time she knows how he feels about her. Who cares what that might lead to.
She's leaving the couuntry soon anyway.
He's had feelings for her since, i think, since 2000.
He's always had this "ideal" mentality towards her.
I had to break it. Told him the truth. About how different and in a way, twisted she had become.
Still. Sad story that one.
Monday, August 30, 2004
Somehow i'm not surprised by what Ezqobah told you.
Foo and i still talk about you.
We see things or talk about something and go like, "Hey who does that remind you of?"
Ah, the good week before you left.
The meaning behind the "Same bullshit everyday"
It's 4 in the morning and i got a call about Coco's ex getting beaten up.
I don't mind him getting beaten up, but the reason i was called was because there was a need for audience. How pathetic is that. It's so pathetic that i can't even be bothered to explain in detail about its pathetic-ness. I find that most of the things that happen can only be summarised up as "Same bullshit every day".
That's college tho.
The highlight for the year is that i'm an uncle now.
My eldest sister had just given birth to a baby boy.
Ah, funny thing happened earlier today.
I was in college, got an sms about the baby being "fresh from the oven".
My mom messaged me, the hospital and room number.
Then i went to buy flowers with Foo. So we could give it to my sister.
Everything was all right, we drove down and found parking and everything.
Got out of the car, took the flower, closed the door, locked it, then i got a message from my mom. Saying that my sister's too weak to see anybody.
This was when we were right in front of the hospital.
Which reminds me. Stupid things tend to happen when i hang with Foo.
Sometimes we even feel it coming up.
There's loads of stories about it. 5 from today alone. (Around 5)
It's like fate or something. The stars in the sky, the universe conspires to make sure something stupid happen.
Aye, he's still trying to get Mari. She's such a bimbo. Not hopeless tho. There's still hope. Even for that selfish self-centered immature irresponsible bimbo.
I can't do much. I'm sort of dating her good friend. (Yes, i is. For those of you who fouund out through this blog, keep it to yourself. Don't be bothered about it actually. It's someone i've been itching to write about for awhile now. Didn't know how to bring it up, didn't know how to start. I don't mind people knowing. It's just that some would give me alot of problems i don't need. [ahem...mama])
I havent found a name for her yet.
Apparently, Foo calls Mari "piglet".
Very cute.
Oh and Erna, they're friends with your cousin. Yes your cousin. HEEEER.
It was hard keeping a straight face when we had lunch together.
Foo and i still talk about you.
We see things or talk about something and go like, "Hey who does that remind you of?"
Ah, the good week before you left.
The meaning behind the "Same bullshit everyday"
It's 4 in the morning and i got a call about Coco's ex getting beaten up.
I don't mind him getting beaten up, but the reason i was called was because there was a need for audience. How pathetic is that. It's so pathetic that i can't even be bothered to explain in detail about its pathetic-ness. I find that most of the things that happen can only be summarised up as "Same bullshit every day".
That's college tho.
The highlight for the year is that i'm an uncle now.
My eldest sister had just given birth to a baby boy.
Ah, funny thing happened earlier today.
I was in college, got an sms about the baby being "fresh from the oven".
My mom messaged me, the hospital and room number.
Then i went to buy flowers with Foo. So we could give it to my sister.
Everything was all right, we drove down and found parking and everything.
Got out of the car, took the flower, closed the door, locked it, then i got a message from my mom. Saying that my sister's too weak to see anybody.
This was when we were right in front of the hospital.
Which reminds me. Stupid things tend to happen when i hang with Foo.
Sometimes we even feel it coming up.
There's loads of stories about it. 5 from today alone. (Around 5)
It's like fate or something. The stars in the sky, the universe conspires to make sure something stupid happen.
Aye, he's still trying to get Mari. She's such a bimbo. Not hopeless tho. There's still hope. Even for that selfish self-centered immature irresponsible bimbo.
I can't do much. I'm sort of dating her good friend. (Yes, i is. For those of you who fouund out through this blog, keep it to yourself. Don't be bothered about it actually. It's someone i've been itching to write about for awhile now. Didn't know how to bring it up, didn't know how to start. I don't mind people knowing. It's just that some would give me alot of problems i don't need. [ahem...mama])
I havent found a name for her yet.
Apparently, Foo calls Mari "piglet".
Very cute.
Oh and Erna, they're friends with your cousin. Yes your cousin. HEEEER.
It was hard keeping a straight face when we had lunch together.
Independance Day.
My country. Independant. It functions and runs without the assistance of a more developed country. It's not colonized by anybody. We're moving forward and advancing by our own capabilities, building together a wonderful nation.
If i lived in such a country, i would be celebrating its Independance day.
Independance day, i think, has lost its purpose. It holds no meaning to the new generations. We don't know what its' all about, we don't seem to care, makes no difference. It has become another holiday, another day to stay up and do something that on other days would've probably caused some problems with the authorities (such as flying big flags on motorbikes with a group of friends). Another reason to party, another reason to blow fireworks, another reason to stay out late.
The government reminds us of our leaders, who made it all possible. The club owners take up the opportunity to squeeze money out of their customers, kids take up the opportunity to be patriotic for the sake of mindless fun.
Pointless is the celebration. We are selfish. We don't care about how our forefathers worked so hard for it. They knew the true meaning of independance.
What are we celebrating? I doubt it has anything to do with the country. We didn't do anything for this independence. We played no part in it. We take it for granted.
Pointless it is.
Ironic how we celebrate independence like mad, but do nothing to make the country or society proud of us.
Pathetic. We don't advance. We probably celebrate it because of our friends.
The country does not make us proud, we don't do the same in return.
If i was to say something about the country that i'm proud of, from the top of my head, it would be pirated CDs.
If i lived in such a country, i would be celebrating its Independance day.
Independance day, i think, has lost its purpose. It holds no meaning to the new generations. We don't know what its' all about, we don't seem to care, makes no difference. It has become another holiday, another day to stay up and do something that on other days would've probably caused some problems with the authorities (such as flying big flags on motorbikes with a group of friends). Another reason to party, another reason to blow fireworks, another reason to stay out late.
The government reminds us of our leaders, who made it all possible. The club owners take up the opportunity to squeeze money out of their customers, kids take up the opportunity to be patriotic for the sake of mindless fun.
Pointless is the celebration. We are selfish. We don't care about how our forefathers worked so hard for it. They knew the true meaning of independance.
What are we celebrating? I doubt it has anything to do with the country. We didn't do anything for this independence. We played no part in it. We take it for granted.
Pointless it is.
Ironic how we celebrate independence like mad, but do nothing to make the country or society proud of us.
Pathetic. We don't advance. We probably celebrate it because of our friends.
The country does not make us proud, we don't do the same in return.
If i was to say something about the country that i'm proud of, from the top of my head, it would be pirated CDs.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
A Birthday Party~
Went to a birthday party/gathering yesterday at a Japanese restaurant. Japanese food is intrigues me. Raw, fresh, somewhat sweet because of it. The food was great, the company was excellent, the cake had 16 candles burning on top of it. Sixteen, what was i doing when i was 16? I can't remember much.
Foo had sea urchin sushi. I have no idea what made him eat it and probably never will. The look on his face alone could give me more than enough ideas of how it must have tasted.
Damn, i salute thee. You have a stomach much stronger than mine. I mean, i can handle bad appearance, but bad taste as well? Sick man. Hopefully its' healthy...at least.
Erna gave Foo a call the other day. It was nice to hear from her again. I wonder how much she spent on the call. I wonder how much she spent calling everybody on their phones, leaving voice messages. Gawdammit. Come back woman.
Spent the day sawing and chopping wood in our first attempt to make a boken. (Or Bouken, whichever.) Tiring it was, tired i am. We're still far from completion since we didn't really have the necessary equipments. Had to do things the hard way.
Foo's getting romanticly involved with Mari - who is new to this blog. I think. Should be. With my help, of course. Haha~
There's another thing that i wish i could be writing about. But i can't. Not yet anyway. Maybe another time.
Foo had sea urchin sushi. I have no idea what made him eat it and probably never will. The look on his face alone could give me more than enough ideas of how it must have tasted.
Damn, i salute thee. You have a stomach much stronger than mine. I mean, i can handle bad appearance, but bad taste as well? Sick man. Hopefully its' healthy...at least.
Erna gave Foo a call the other day. It was nice to hear from her again. I wonder how much she spent on the call. I wonder how much she spent calling everybody on their phones, leaving voice messages. Gawdammit. Come back woman.
Spent the day sawing and chopping wood in our first attempt to make a boken. (Or Bouken, whichever.) Tiring it was, tired i am. We're still far from completion since we didn't really have the necessary equipments. Had to do things the hard way.
Foo's getting romanticly involved with Mari - who is new to this blog. I think. Should be. With my help, of course. Haha~
There's another thing that i wish i could be writing about. But i can't. Not yet anyway. Maybe another time.
Friday, August 20, 2004
"The rhythm of her conversation
The perfection of her creation
The sex she slipped into my coffee
The way she felt when she first saw me
Hate to love and love to hate her
Like a broken record player
Back and forth and here and gone
And on and on and on and on"
~"The Sun" -Maroon 5
Witch, n. (1) An ugly and repulsive old woman, in a wicked league with the devil.
(2) A beautiful and attractive young woman, in wickedness a league beyond the
~Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
It feels good to be back~
Turns out that my recently fixed computer can't go online...yet. I can't log onto this account from a cyber cafe somehow. I can however, do this from the comfort and privacy of......my college computer.
Privacy. My ass. I wonder how many glances these dudes around have taken on my screen. I hate this, I can't seem to go deep enough into my own head in a place with people i don't know well.
But anyway, i'd like to begin with the surprise i got from finding one of my blog entries in Fleur de la Mer's journal. It does feel nice to know my work is appreciated, although i think being able to come up with that is a rare occassion.
I haven't updated in a week. Felt like months. Quite a number of things happened this week. eclipse hooked up with a "nearly an ex" of mine, Desa. (I'm running out of names here.... I'm seriously considering changing Foo to Tick, and if Foo is Tick, the happy f*ck would be TOCK!)
Okay... a VAGUE description of this week...
(Since this computer lab does not put me in the right mood)
Serraph, Flutter, Eclipse, Nihon and I have plans of making wooden katanas. Bokens.
Drifted apart from Rin.
Met Flonne and there's still problems with her "pet brothers".
Got to know Shiawase. Someone i met on monday.
Got punished for smoking in the car. Apparently its' illegal, although everyone does it. I'm supposed to apologize to my mother because its' her car. (Although referred to as my car when something goes wrong or it gets dirty. Misleading. Very confusing as well)
Well then, might as well... apologize to my dad and sister while i'm at it. There's no ash in their cars cause their window was big enough to suck air out at certain part. My mom's car has really small windows. If i ash it out, it would be blown back in. So i used the ashtray.
And no, i'm not anybody's taxi driver. I don't walk through deserts or swim across oceans just for some dumb chick. Never done so, never will. Maybe somebody should stop watching cheap-ass soap operas on cheap ass t.v stations and stop reading up cheap ass articles about some cheap ass stereotypes.
And don't blame me if you can't talk to me.
Aite then. As you can see, my mood has gone a different direction.
Till then.
Privacy. My ass. I wonder how many glances these dudes around have taken on my screen. I hate this, I can't seem to go deep enough into my own head in a place with people i don't know well.
But anyway, i'd like to begin with the surprise i got from finding one of my blog entries in Fleur de la Mer's journal. It does feel nice to know my work is appreciated, although i think being able to come up with that is a rare occassion.
I haven't updated in a week. Felt like months. Quite a number of things happened this week. eclipse hooked up with a "nearly an ex" of mine, Desa. (I'm running out of names here.... I'm seriously considering changing Foo to Tick, and if Foo is Tick, the happy f*ck would be TOCK!)
Okay... a VAGUE description of this week...
(Since this computer lab does not put me in the right mood)
Serraph, Flutter, Eclipse, Nihon and I have plans of making wooden katanas. Bokens.
Drifted apart from Rin.
Met Flonne and there's still problems with her "pet brothers".
Got to know Shiawase. Someone i met on monday.
Got punished for smoking in the car. Apparently its' illegal, although everyone does it. I'm supposed to apologize to my mother because its' her car. (Although referred to as my car when something goes wrong or it gets dirty. Misleading. Very confusing as well)
Well then, might as well... apologize to my dad and sister while i'm at it. There's no ash in their cars cause their window was big enough to suck air out at certain part. My mom's car has really small windows. If i ash it out, it would be blown back in. So i used the ashtray.
And no, i'm not anybody's taxi driver. I don't walk through deserts or swim across oceans just for some dumb chick. Never done so, never will. Maybe somebody should stop watching cheap-ass soap operas on cheap ass t.v stations and stop reading up cheap ass articles about some cheap ass stereotypes.
And don't blame me if you can't talk to me.
Aite then. As you can see, my mood has gone a different direction.
Till then.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Continuing from yesterday
I was talking about sitting back on a windy day and thinking about how boring and pointless life seemed to be. I sat there pondering about ways to improve my lifestyle. "Spice" things up here and there. Ideas came pouring to my head. Ideas, solutions, problems, theories.
"Maybe i'm lacking in something."
"Maybe i'm doing too much of something."
"Could life be better than this?"
"Could life be worse?"
That last thought stopped my thoughts dead on its' track.
....After a dramatic pause, the memories flooded in. What was life like last year? Or the year before that?
Problems poped out like bubbles in a jacuzzi. Mood swings was a new discovery. Surprisingly, i didn't notice them at that time. It's only when i realised i could have a three sided argument i realised something wasn't right.
Emotional problems. Not like i'm an emotional pro now, it has improved though.
Girl problems..... haha, why did i put up with so much? I gave up wondering actually.
These days i have the appetite to eat.
I sleep soundly at night.
I smile honest smiles.
I guess life is boring and un eventful now, but should i compare it with what it was like before, it seems like i've been one ungrateful lil prick.
This is what i wanted to write about yesterday.
Pretty boring ya?
"Maybe i'm lacking in something."
"Maybe i'm doing too much of something."
"Could life be better than this?"
"Could life be worse?"
That last thought stopped my thoughts dead on its' track.
....After a dramatic pause, the memories flooded in. What was life like last year? Or the year before that?
Problems poped out like bubbles in a jacuzzi. Mood swings was a new discovery. Surprisingly, i didn't notice them at that time. It's only when i realised i could have a three sided argument i realised something wasn't right.
Emotional problems. Not like i'm an emotional pro now, it has improved though.
Girl problems..... haha, why did i put up with so much? I gave up wondering actually.
These days i have the appetite to eat.
I sleep soundly at night.
I smile honest smiles.
I guess life is boring and un eventful now, but should i compare it with what it was like before, it seems like i've been one ungrateful lil prick.
This is what i wanted to write about yesterday.
Pretty boring ya?
Monday, August 02, 2004
Genki dashite~
It was a nice day to sit outdoors and have a smoke.
A cool, cloudy, windy day to re-evaluate things.
I was thinking about my boring and unproductive life and how college is the same bullshit every day.
Friends come and go, then appear on your friendster requesting to be added as "Friends".
Classmates are still the same, boring bunch of kampung chinese from some bukit.
Some of em are quite racist as well.
A funny thing happened the other day.
There's this one chinese dude giving me shit about (oooo.. i think i can hear my neighbours' dogs humping.... damn, they sound like wild animals. maybe they're fighting. One is clearly barking, the other is whining, oh they stopped. Anyway..) how the chinese race and civilization ranks the highest on the list (which reminds me about how we had this thread in an online forum and how we all think the chinese are the most racist people in the world. Even the chinese.). He's so proud of the "ancient chinese" civilization. They were so smart, so wise, their level of knowledge on medicine had far surpassed modern science of today, their proverbs speaks of the ultimate truth and none could possibly contain a loop-hole. They spoke a language that is so detailed and so refined, there's a word for anything so communication is precise and accurate.
Their system of writing is so complex that anyone who tries to learn it would give up the moment they found out what its' all about.
"Know why they called it ancient chinese civilization?"
"Because its' really old. We had silk when western civilization still uses animal skin"
"No, its' because it doesn't exist anymore. Look at you now. You're not smart, not wise, you know jack shit about medicine that i won't be surprised if you catch a flu and die. Do you know that the whole ancient civilization is all about status, reputation and money? The emperor who built the great wall of china gave orders to destroy any written historical information so that history begins with him. Should one man happen to have more money than the other, he would make sure it is known. They love to draw the line between rich and poor- which is probably the only thing that survived till today, besides the whole status, reputation and obviously, money."
Each time i hear a chinese say he's scared he might lose face, i cringe. They will never admit that it's the same as having a dent in their pride and dignity. Saying so would make them sound arrogant thus lose face.
"Do you know why that civilization fell?"
"Because the western countries had better technology and used it against us"
"Not quite. It was opium. The westerners traded opium for silk and spices that one day, demand for opium far exceeded silk and spices. That's when they had to make a different agreement which led to the downfall of that civilization."
"Opium is weed by the way. Weed, ganja, marijuana. The mighty civilzation crumbled cause everyone got high on crack."
Yea i know i could've phrased it in a better way, but this guy was really getting on my nerves. Before we got to this topic, he was actually degrading my race and religion.
Like they say, an eye for an eye.
"How does chinese writing work?"
"It's not using words. It's an exchange of idea. If you look carefully, the character for a cart looks like a cart. Horse looks like a horse, so on and so forth. It's very straightforward and simple."
"You know what else follows this concept?"
"No, what?"
"Cave paintings"
I hope none of you got offended after reading this blog entry. It's just that the racism lies really close to one of my nerves that it's not a very good idea to strike at it. When i look at a person, it doesn't matter to me what race they are, which God they believe in or what language they speak.
I see an individual whom i would judge by his/her morals and values.
Depends on my mood though.
A cool, cloudy, windy day to re-evaluate things.
I was thinking about my boring and unproductive life and how college is the same bullshit every day.
Friends come and go, then appear on your friendster requesting to be added as "Friends".
Classmates are still the same, boring bunch of kampung chinese from some bukit.
Some of em are quite racist as well.
A funny thing happened the other day.
There's this one chinese dude giving me shit about (oooo.. i think i can hear my neighbours' dogs humping.... damn, they sound like wild animals. maybe they're fighting. One is clearly barking, the other is whining, oh they stopped. Anyway..) how the chinese race and civilization ranks the highest on the list (which reminds me about how we had this thread in an online forum and how we all think the chinese are the most racist people in the world. Even the chinese.). He's so proud of the "ancient chinese" civilization. They were so smart, so wise, their level of knowledge on medicine had far surpassed modern science of today, their proverbs speaks of the ultimate truth and none could possibly contain a loop-hole. They spoke a language that is so detailed and so refined, there's a word for anything so communication is precise and accurate.
Their system of writing is so complex that anyone who tries to learn it would give up the moment they found out what its' all about.
"Know why they called it ancient chinese civilization?"
"Because its' really old. We had silk when western civilization still uses animal skin"
"No, its' because it doesn't exist anymore. Look at you now. You're not smart, not wise, you know jack shit about medicine that i won't be surprised if you catch a flu and die. Do you know that the whole ancient civilization is all about status, reputation and money? The emperor who built the great wall of china gave orders to destroy any written historical information so that history begins with him. Should one man happen to have more money than the other, he would make sure it is known. They love to draw the line between rich and poor- which is probably the only thing that survived till today, besides the whole status, reputation and obviously, money."
Each time i hear a chinese say he's scared he might lose face, i cringe. They will never admit that it's the same as having a dent in their pride and dignity. Saying so would make them sound arrogant thus lose face.
"Do you know why that civilization fell?"
"Because the western countries had better technology and used it against us"
"Not quite. It was opium. The westerners traded opium for silk and spices that one day, demand for opium far exceeded silk and spices. That's when they had to make a different agreement which led to the downfall of that civilization."
"Opium is weed by the way. Weed, ganja, marijuana. The mighty civilzation crumbled cause everyone got high on crack."
Yea i know i could've phrased it in a better way, but this guy was really getting on my nerves. Before we got to this topic, he was actually degrading my race and religion.
Like they say, an eye for an eye.
"How does chinese writing work?"
"It's not using words. It's an exchange of idea. If you look carefully, the character for a cart looks like a cart. Horse looks like a horse, so on and so forth. It's very straightforward and simple."
"You know what else follows this concept?"
"No, what?"
"Cave paintings"
I hope none of you got offended after reading this blog entry. It's just that the racism lies really close to one of my nerves that it's not a very good idea to strike at it. When i look at a person, it doesn't matter to me what race they are, which God they believe in or what language they speak.
I see an individual whom i would judge by his/her morals and values.
Depends on my mood though.
Sunday, August 01, 2004
Randomly Pondering..
First off, I would like to thank ms. Canadian for making a blog account just to post a comment.
I think you could do so anonymously, but it does look better with an account.
I have come to acknowledged Hanson as a good band. They've grown well out of their Mmmboppin' days and made music that i'm happy to have stuck in my head.
"Penny and me" is a nice, simple feel-good song that i could sit back and think to.
I know a girl called Penny. Not the kind of person you'd like to meet. ermm... i don't think i'll waste time and space writing about her.
The song "Mr. Jones" by Counting Crows is starting to sound like a good musician high on crack. I can't make much sense of what he's singing about.
What happens when parents put words in your mouth?
Correct me if i'm wrong, but (i'll go one step at a time...) say they're putting words in your mouth, or assuming things.
"Assuming" is what i'll be focusing on now.
Say they assumed you're somewhere doing something you're not.
It's a common incident for most people i know.
"It's common". Happens all the time.
They put words in your mouth based on the assumptions they made.
= They don't use actual facts.
=These people, do not make decisions from facts.
hang on... i lost my trail of thought...
Erna, Coco's new boyfriend is going to get beaten up by some jealous fooser. Somehow, no one's surprised. I think we all have a desire to see or experience something new.
It is the same bullshit everyday.
It's somewhat a wise decision for you to bum around there. Get to know that place better, you're going to be stuck there for a while.
I think i've been running out of things to write about these days. Some of you may have noticed that the contents of this blog is getting more and more pointless. uh...
I suspected mood swing.
But i'm not very sure of that yet.
I think you could do so anonymously, but it does look better with an account.
I have come to acknowledged Hanson as a good band. They've grown well out of their Mmmboppin' days and made music that i'm happy to have stuck in my head.
"Penny and me" is a nice, simple feel-good song that i could sit back and think to.
I know a girl called Penny. Not the kind of person you'd like to meet. ermm... i don't think i'll waste time and space writing about her.
The song "Mr. Jones" by Counting Crows is starting to sound like a good musician high on crack. I can't make much sense of what he's singing about.
What happens when parents put words in your mouth?
Correct me if i'm wrong, but (i'll go one step at a time...) say they're putting words in your mouth, or assuming things.
"Assuming" is what i'll be focusing on now.
Say they assumed you're somewhere doing something you're not.
It's a common incident for most people i know.
"It's common". Happens all the time.
They put words in your mouth based on the assumptions they made.
= They don't use actual facts.
=These people, do not make decisions from facts.
hang on... i lost my trail of thought...
Erna, Coco's new boyfriend is going to get beaten up by some jealous fooser. Somehow, no one's surprised. I think we all have a desire to see or experience something new.
It is the same bullshit everyday.
It's somewhat a wise decision for you to bum around there. Get to know that place better, you're going to be stuck there for a while.
I think i've been running out of things to write about these days. Some of you may have noticed that the contents of this blog is getting more and more pointless. uh...
I suspected mood swing.
But i'm not very sure of that yet.
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