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Words can help us grow, Like horse piss help trees. (Wonderfully btw)

Sunday, May 01, 2005


I remember my first lesson of emotion.
I was really young at that time. Younger than 10. Around 7 or so.
My mother did something which pissed me off to no end.
I wanted her to apologize, i wanted her to make up for it no matter what it takes.

If she had given me all the toys in the world, all the snacks i like, everything a child could ever dream of, my reaction would be, "Right, that's a good start, what else you got for me?"

Then all of a sudden, she's forgiven. Without lifting a finger.

And that's how i began to understand emotions.

A short entry for today.
Still too happy to blog.

I think i'm forcing it. Seriously. My thoughts are not in order. The message is not delivered across, it's thrown.

Tune in next time,

1 comment:

Miss Aida said...

That's how emotions happen though. Sometimes hot, sometimes cold.