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Words can help us grow, Like horse piss help trees. (Wonderfully btw)

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Dreamer dreaming on~

A land in reality, a world we don't see, a realm that flutters on the plains of the mind.

Nothing like good ol' depression to make me come back here.

I return, a dreamer.
A stubborn dreamer.
With questions, and a massive state of confusion.

Have we underestimated dreamers?
Have we misunderstood the ability to dream?

Is it a crime...
Is it a disease...
Is it wrong?
Is it morally incorrect?
Is it socially unacceptable?

It the answer is no to all, then WHY DOES'T IT FEEL LIKE IT?
Why do people react like it is?

Dreamers are risk takers
Dreamers aim big
Dreamers aim HUGE
Dreamers CREATED the economic market
Dreamers provide jobs for the people
Dreamers put food on your table.

Dreamers are looked down upon.
Dreamers are crazy.
Dreamers are scared of reality
Dreamers hide from the truth.
Because most dreamers out there are just that:

Can we say one's standards are too high or all the others were too low?
Does one aim so big or the others aim so small?
We have a preset standards somehow etched into out mind.
If its wrong, then who do we follow?

Do we follow......do we follow....
Should one follow, best not blindly.
Blindly following makes one a fool.
Do we lead? Can we lead?
What does it take to lead?

It takes a dreamer to lead.
An ambition.
Leadership qualitites.
Strong sense of logic.
Wisdom and knowledge.
Fair and understanding.

Is it wrong to aim for those qualities?
Or is that aim too big?
Again, by WHOSE standards?

I do not follow that which i do not understand.
I am in need of solving questions to advance.
The mind with an infinite capability is my weapon.
Infinite capabilities...
Is that not enough?

Are we looked down upon because of being different?
Are we looked down upon because our standards are too high?

If i aim to shoot the stars, i'll be happy to shoot the moon instead.
Happier than THEY, who never made such attempts.

I don't need a pessimist.


MidlifeCrisisDolmat said...

It is sometimes a mistake to climb the mountain. It is always a mistake never even to make the attempt.

Sometimes the important thing is not to actually realize the dream; but to know, at the very least, that you have dared to dream.

Anonymous said...

Hey man.

You tak nak visit my blog lagi ka? ;)

it's still me. Just want some anonymity.

I miss chatting with you online.