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Words can help us grow, Like horse piss help trees. (Wonderfully btw)

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Angelic companions

And God said that for every man and woman he created, he gave them an angel companion who waits in heaven. The angels wait patiently, looking forward to judgement day and the time they would be united with their human counterparts.

In heaven they wait, watching. Countless angels - one for each of us that had ever existed.

Your angel watches your every move from where she stands. Waiting and even prays for your well-being, always caring. A creature "so beautiful you would lust for no other" made to your specification and reserved entirely for no other.

Your angel shares your pain and sorrow. Although rare, she also feels your happiness. Inhumanly human emotions makes her curse those who mistreats you, pushing them farther away from their happiness.

Someone is looking after you. There's always someone. Never forget that.


MidlifeCrisisDolmat said...

It's about time you updated. It's been a while. :)

Anonymous said...

Freyja: Angellic lamentings of the forgotten. Of the unknown. Of the unappreciated.

Brings back fond memories of chilling at Silque's place, debating about the meaning of life. Religion. The works. How the particular guardian-angel is of the opposite sex from you and is strangely attractive yet unreachable in the living world. - ponders about the fate of homosexuals - Blasphemy! Hahaha....

Missing you all. But don't worry, I'm having a blast. Too much of a blast judging by the lack of work done.

You and I Both - Jason Mraz.

NeoWakko said...

This particular entry is for all of you. Figured you need to know about it.
Honestly, i was starting to feel that some of you seems to be getting lonely. Figured you need to know about this.

I got it from my religous tutor. It's one of those rare stories that i hold on to.

I wish mine would pay me a visit as well. Morale support.