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Monday, January 08, 2007

Sequee Deed~

Everyone in this life likes to think of themself as someone that is special. Someone has something within them that sets them apart from the rest. But in actual fact, what is the benchmark that you use to consider yourself superior than others?

Opinions. Your own or those of others. Knowledge accumulated since one learnt to walk and talk. But there should be no benchmark for considering oneself more superior. In the topic of self development, superiority is irrelevant.

Even in self development, there comes a point where you see someone else who is leading a more extraordinary life and achieving more in their life. By noticing that difference, doesn't it already form superiority?

Great things normally come at a great price. The cost of their extraordinary achievement could be unbearable to most of others.

What do you look for in a person...

Stability in emotions and character, responsible, understanding, loving!

I'm looking for Nana..

Typical guy. Have you ever thought that it's better not to know the truth, especially the reality of something that you've dreamed up and fantasized about? Because the reality of it may just be so dissapointing.

Its in the back of every guys' head. Everytime they consider approaching a girl, every time they decide to hit on someone, every moment before they decide to make a move. It's not easy. Males have to do the "courting" an stuff. Females don't. The pressure's on the guy. Nature. Yeay.

Ah, getting sexist are we? Have you considered, what if no guy goes after the girl? Then what?

Then the girl would be single. So would the guy. Humanity would end. But you know, feminism and whatnots, equal rights nyadda nyadda, why don't girls make the first moves? besides shyness, which is, these days, obsolete.

Since when has shyness become obsolete? Probably because of the way our minds have been stereotyped. If a girl goes after a guy, she could be perceived as things other than being bold. It takes more courage for a girl to approach a guy than a guy to approach a girl. The possible rejection that she faces is also much worse.

Boldness in a woman is a trait few men can appreciate. But i think, for the sake of security, bold women who find the men who could appreciate them are luckier than most. Some guys don't want a girl for them to babysit.

Perceived as things other than being bold. If she's perceived as bold, good for her. What if she's perceived as being skanky?

I think, that unlike most other girls, you know what you want, you are aware of your desires and how to get them. But, you can't be bold about it, you perceive the way others perceive your boldness as a possible "skankiness" or being "cheap". But in the end, whatever you get from your boldness is all yours to keep, and you will be known as someone whose desires should be respected. Bold people tend to make those who go against them regret their actions, and get their decisions respected/honoured.

True. But what if you don't get whatever it is that you wanted from being bold?

If failure intimidates you, then your boldness wasn't genuine.

Not every outcome is in your hands.

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