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Words can help us grow, Like horse piss help trees. (Wonderfully btw)

Monday, October 24, 2005


Like any other day, she awoke from the clouds,
the instant the sun rises, like every other day.

Time to visit the living things,
the trees, the plants, the flowers.
Greet the new ones!
Greet the old,
greet the nature,
like every other day.

It slipped her mind,
When she stepped of the ledge,
The grave sin,
She did yesterday.

She cheated and lied,
A league with the demon,
She cheated and lied!
Succumbed to her demons!

In silence she was watched,
By he, the great king,
As she stepped off the ledge,
and he took back her wings.


Anonymous said...

guess it's not her time yet...

NeoWakko said...

uunfortunately not. to my eyes.
very unfortunate indeed.

Miss Aida said...

It's all easy to fall from heights.

Anonymous said...


how was your raya btw...