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Words can help us grow, Like horse piss help trees. (Wonderfully btw)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A mind at unrest~

I have to admit, the previous entry was flawed in many ways. Plenty of things were uncalled for.

I've been to dangerous places, walked on evil territories, just to get a rough idea of what it is. Maybe was even too young at that time. But i found out that why people do the things they do is normally due to ignorance, fear, and weakness. It does piss me off when others get hurt due to an individuals' ignorance, fear or weakness. It's our responsibility to be wise, brave and strong - or we would be a burden to others.

To each his own. In some sense we are alone in this world. We're very much alone no matter what. Normally we're alone, but with people. But in the event that we're alone and all by ourselves, how strong are we? How independant are we?

Goddamn that was boring to read.

Oh, in the previous post i mentioned something about not being religous and stuff...
Actually, i believe, but i don't follow...yet.
I've decided to question what i don't think make sense.
My questions seems to have earned the "infidel" title.
I'm an infidel in the eyes of those who follow without believing.

If you were to choose from:
1. Believing but not following
2. Following but not believing
3. Half follow, half believe

Which would you pick?

I have made a decision, and the great majority opposes it.


Truth. I want the truth.


Why am i so depressed?
I have no reason to be. At all.

In this sense, i can make myself sick.

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