I discriminate against those who do.
Hahah...... it's funny it it didn't carry such a magnitude.
There's another thing that's been in my head, not only the back, but all over, since i heard it awhile back.
I'm really sorry i'm bringing this one up.
But i feel the need to.
I have no intention on harming you in any way, or displease you.
I don't mean to offend, and i apologise in advance if it does.
So here goes,
A father refused to speak to his wife for 3 weeks because she bore him a daughter instead of a son, for a second child. First, a male. Which is somehow insufficient to fill a certain mysterious need.
Some may agree to some extent that his reaction is understandable, and his morals and values backed by the product of his upbringing through cultural environment could justify it. I think it's fucking crazy, and fucking wrong.
Through improvements in telecommunication, the world has become much much smaller.Our views of society is taken from a worldwide perspective. Technology such as the internet has pulled many of us together.
Will we, the youth of today, leaders/followers of tomorrow, lead/follow the right way?
Sometimes i do worry.
When no amount of help can change the wrong, i worry for the unborn.
What sort of environment would they be in?
Sometimes i think that my thoughts would be leading me someplace.
Most other times i think i'm full of shit.
About Me

- NeoWakko
- Words can help us grow, Like horse piss help trees. (Wonderfully btw)
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
A mind at unrest~
I have to admit, the previous entry was flawed in many ways. Plenty of things were uncalled for.
I've been to dangerous places, walked on evil territories, just to get a rough idea of what it is. Maybe was even too young at that time. But i found out that why people do the things they do is normally due to ignorance, fear, and weakness. It does piss me off when others get hurt due to an individuals' ignorance, fear or weakness. It's our responsibility to be wise, brave and strong - or we would be a burden to others.
To each his own. In some sense we are alone in this world. We're very much alone no matter what. Normally we're alone, but with people. But in the event that we're alone and all by ourselves, how strong are we? How independant are we?
Goddamn that was boring to read.
Oh, in the previous post i mentioned something about not being religous and stuff...
Actually, i believe, but i don't follow...yet.
I've decided to question what i don't think make sense.
My questions seems to have earned the "infidel" title.
I'm an infidel in the eyes of those who follow without believing.
If you were to choose from:
1. Believing but not following
2. Following but not believing
3. Half follow, half believe
Which would you pick?
I have made a decision, and the great majority opposes it.
Truth. I want the truth.
Why am i so depressed?
I have no reason to be. At all.
In this sense, i can make myself sick.
I've been to dangerous places, walked on evil territories, just to get a rough idea of what it is. Maybe was even too young at that time. But i found out that why people do the things they do is normally due to ignorance, fear, and weakness. It does piss me off when others get hurt due to an individuals' ignorance, fear or weakness. It's our responsibility to be wise, brave and strong - or we would be a burden to others.
To each his own. In some sense we are alone in this world. We're very much alone no matter what. Normally we're alone, but with people. But in the event that we're alone and all by ourselves, how strong are we? How independant are we?
Goddamn that was boring to read.
Oh, in the previous post i mentioned something about not being religous and stuff...
Actually, i believe, but i don't follow...yet.
I've decided to question what i don't think make sense.
My questions seems to have earned the "infidel" title.
I'm an infidel in the eyes of those who follow without believing.
If you were to choose from:
1. Believing but not following
2. Following but not believing
3. Half follow, half believe
Which would you pick?
I have made a decision, and the great majority opposes it.
Truth. I want the truth.
Why am i so depressed?
I have no reason to be. At all.
In this sense, i can make myself sick.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
A Boo Ya~
There was a period of time that took place recently where many bloggers seemed to have..... run out of fuel. They seem to be slowly getting back to their realms and began updating recently. I, one of them, well, i'm back-ish.
Anger was my fuel to write all the previous entries. Anger still is my fuel. I'm not angry now though.
There's a bit of guilt for leaving this realm without an update.
I'm just getting one thing off my back.
I'm not angry. I've been happy. Too happy to post an entry. So, for the sake of writing up an entry, i shall continue to write the first thing that pops in this blank head of mine.
Ah, there's something that's been in the back of my head.
I see a flaw in the system. No, not exactly the "system" but society. A flaw in the world, and it saddens me whenever i think about it or see it in front of my eyes.
Racists, sexists, the usual, gender or racial discrimination.....hits a nerve.
Maybe i lack understanding. I hope i do. If i'm right, that would sadden me more.
Are we bound by what was our birthright? Do we have a choice?
Are we to be judged by something we cannot change?
Are we to be punished by a crime we did not commit?
Crime, we did not commit. Only to their eyes, we did.
We are judged by our race, we are judged by our gender, we are judged by our beliefs.
I don't have the words to express the amount of fuel they provide me.
Back to the flaws:
I'll lay it all out in the open. For the first time. Although i will still hold back names of those involved though, for their privacy.
Being in a muslim country such as the one i'm in sucks balls. Muslim rules, muslim standards so and so and so. All these things came from what they THINK is best based on the religion. Basically, if you do wrong to an individual, that individual has the right to punish you. Do wrong to the society, the society punishes you. Do wrong to God, and the government punishes you based on their set standards for all muslims worldwide. But, on other parts of the planet, it follows a different standard. Which is right? which is wrong? which is good? which is better? we don't know. So, we follow. Because what i notice about the teachings of the religion in this country, and most other places, is that You --> Follow.
God created us to be leaders in this world, so in order to do that, we must follow.
God gave us each a mind of our own, capable of reasoning and judging, so we follow what those "pious" people says.
If there is no God, man would create one.
If God's message was simple, man would complicate it.
Because we like to sacrifice in the name of God.
When He doesn't need it.
Screw that.
Fool example 1:
It's like, a big, like, bonus point for the afterlife if you convert an INFIDEL (haha.. i like that word, infidel. An infidel calling another infidel always cracks me up. It sounds funny too)
So yea, they drill into our heads that converting somebody is a big uber ticket to heaven... and then there was me... walking along dating a chinese girl. You get remarks, stares, this and that. I mean, if all goes well, she'll HAVE to convert (cause the government is really big on taking over God's job..only in this country btw) and hey, i'd be scorin uber points for the afterlife no? If they help me out, they'll get some credits no? But NO, they'd rather bitch behind my back. Bitch behind her back.
"why not find a nice muslim girl....."
-Because, if she's gonna measure my piousness to her standards, i'm as religous as a rock.
I can honestly say that i can judge past race and religion. Most people say it as well, but not honestly.
Gender discrimination.....haha...
I hate the way most husband treats their wives.
I hate the way most guys treat their girlfriends.
I hate the way the society sees "man" and "woman"
I hate seeing what i hate every single fucking day any fucking where i go.
Guys, male ego, they must talk louder, the pride, the way they feel they OWN somebody.
Newspaper today: Man can't pay his debt so he offered his girlfriend instead.
Yea, she got raped. Cause he can't pay his debt.
If i could fully express my hatred for this, your monitor would crack and explode.
I find certain things the society accepts as "morally incorrect".
I do appreciate the fact that i grew up with 3 sisters. It made me see things clearly. I mean, man normally really gets paranoid and gives a shit bout a female if she's
1. His girlfriend
2. His daughter.
"Wife" means no more trying to impress. "Wife" means no more going the extra mile. "Wife" means bound. "Wife" means full ownership.
Like buying a car. Pay installments..yada yadda.. when all that's done, it's ALL yours.
Screw that too.
Sorry to say this, but i find most chinese to be rude and racist.
I've known some really good ones, but i find that they, just, love themselves a BIT too much. they make the worst customers.
if you're reading this, and you're chinese, can you POLITELY speak to the waiters at a non chinese restaurant? Politely order, speak like you would to another human, just because they're serving you gives you no right to speak to them that way.
The ones i know, talk to them like how you would talk to ME. (Except you, Manja, if you're reading this.... cause that would be pretttty weird)
Do i sound racist now?
Do i sound like i've contradicted my previous point?
Or am i just a racist hater hating racists?
My muslim blogfriends, This is me, this is my belief. This is the product of what i've learned. I may have made afew mistakes writing this up, but my intentions do not change, it remains, and i think i've made it quite clear.
I feel sorry for her. Her world discriminates more than mine.
There's more to this. a whole lot more. i wanna let it out. Let it all out.
But, there's no point. To really let it out...hmmmm... i'd rather tell each and every one of you what i think. To your face.
The world i see i refuse to accept. The world discriminates and hates and tolerate each other when they should accept each other when they want to standardize things they shouldn't when they stress each other out until no longer one feels safe or free to live by their choices there, right there, i see chaos.
God's message was very simple, but he made us so complex.
We changed what was simple to a form closer to us.
Complex we are, but not wise.
And that's how the message got fucked.
Anger was my fuel to write all the previous entries. Anger still is my fuel. I'm not angry now though.
There's a bit of guilt for leaving this realm without an update.
I'm just getting one thing off my back.
I'm not angry. I've been happy. Too happy to post an entry. So, for the sake of writing up an entry, i shall continue to write the first thing that pops in this blank head of mine.
Ah, there's something that's been in the back of my head.
I see a flaw in the system. No, not exactly the "system" but society. A flaw in the world, and it saddens me whenever i think about it or see it in front of my eyes.
Racists, sexists, the usual, gender or racial discrimination.....hits a nerve.
Maybe i lack understanding. I hope i do. If i'm right, that would sadden me more.
Are we bound by what was our birthright? Do we have a choice?
Are we to be judged by something we cannot change?
Are we to be punished by a crime we did not commit?
Crime, we did not commit. Only to their eyes, we did.
We are judged by our race, we are judged by our gender, we are judged by our beliefs.
I don't have the words to express the amount of fuel they provide me.
Back to the flaws:
I'll lay it all out in the open. For the first time. Although i will still hold back names of those involved though, for their privacy.
Being in a muslim country such as the one i'm in sucks balls. Muslim rules, muslim standards so and so and so. All these things came from what they THINK is best based on the religion. Basically, if you do wrong to an individual, that individual has the right to punish you. Do wrong to the society, the society punishes you. Do wrong to God, and the government punishes you based on their set standards for all muslims worldwide. But, on other parts of the planet, it follows a different standard. Which is right? which is wrong? which is good? which is better? we don't know. So, we follow. Because what i notice about the teachings of the religion in this country, and most other places, is that You --> Follow.
God created us to be leaders in this world, so in order to do that, we must follow.
God gave us each a mind of our own, capable of reasoning and judging, so we follow what those "pious" people says.
If there is no God, man would create one.
If God's message was simple, man would complicate it.
Because we like to sacrifice in the name of God.
When He doesn't need it.
Screw that.
Fool example 1:
It's like, a big, like, bonus point for the afterlife if you convert an INFIDEL (haha.. i like that word, infidel. An infidel calling another infidel always cracks me up. It sounds funny too)
So yea, they drill into our heads that converting somebody is a big uber ticket to heaven... and then there was me... walking along dating a chinese girl. You get remarks, stares, this and that. I mean, if all goes well, she'll HAVE to convert (cause the government is really big on taking over God's job..only in this country btw) and hey, i'd be scorin uber points for the afterlife no? If they help me out, they'll get some credits no? But NO, they'd rather bitch behind my back. Bitch behind her back.
"why not find a nice muslim girl....."
-Because, if she's gonna measure my piousness to her standards, i'm as religous as a rock.
I can honestly say that i can judge past race and religion. Most people say it as well, but not honestly.
Gender discrimination.....haha...
I hate the way most husband treats their wives.
I hate the way most guys treat their girlfriends.
I hate the way the society sees "man" and "woman"
I hate seeing what i hate every single fucking day any fucking where i go.
Guys, male ego, they must talk louder, the pride, the way they feel they OWN somebody.
Newspaper today: Man can't pay his debt so he offered his girlfriend instead.
Yea, she got raped. Cause he can't pay his debt.
If i could fully express my hatred for this, your monitor would crack and explode.
I find certain things the society accepts as "morally incorrect".
I do appreciate the fact that i grew up with 3 sisters. It made me see things clearly. I mean, man normally really gets paranoid and gives a shit bout a female if she's
1. His girlfriend
2. His daughter.
"Wife" means no more trying to impress. "Wife" means no more going the extra mile. "Wife" means bound. "Wife" means full ownership.
Like buying a car. Pay installments..yada yadda.. when all that's done, it's ALL yours.
Screw that too.
Sorry to say this, but i find most chinese to be rude and racist.
I've known some really good ones, but i find that they, just, love themselves a BIT too much. they make the worst customers.
if you're reading this, and you're chinese, can you POLITELY speak to the waiters at a non chinese restaurant? Politely order, speak like you would to another human, just because they're serving you gives you no right to speak to them that way.
The ones i know, talk to them like how you would talk to ME. (Except you, Manja, if you're reading this.... cause that would be pretttty weird)
Do i sound racist now?
Do i sound like i've contradicted my previous point?
Or am i just a racist hater hating racists?
My muslim blogfriends, This is me, this is my belief. This is the product of what i've learned. I may have made afew mistakes writing this up, but my intentions do not change, it remains, and i think i've made it quite clear.
I feel sorry for her. Her world discriminates more than mine.
There's more to this. a whole lot more. i wanna let it out. Let it all out.
But, there's no point. To really let it out...hmmmm... i'd rather tell each and every one of you what i think. To your face.
The world i see i refuse to accept. The world discriminates and hates and tolerate each other when they should accept each other when they want to standardize things they shouldn't when they stress each other out until no longer one feels safe or free to live by their choices there, right there, i see chaos.
God's message was very simple, but he made us so complex.
We changed what was simple to a form closer to us.
Complex we are, but not wise.
And that's how the message got fucked.
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