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Words can help us grow, Like horse piss help trees. (Wonderfully btw)

Sunday, March 26, 2006

It's not the destination~

Life. A journey.
The A to Z.
The big journey.

We all know what is good from bad.
But what matters most is knowing whats good from better.

what is better?

What's better than better?
What's better than that?

If life is about falling down and getting back up again,
wouldn't the difference between individuals lies in how fast they get up?
or how well they do so?

If one doesn't learn from falling once, one will fall again.

Learn from one, prevent one, fall for another, prevent another.

In the end, it all comes down to stupidity.

yes. stupidity.

A disease.

Comes from the condition known as "thinking-defficiency" or TD.

Contagious too.

i'm getting really tired of this.


Anonymous said...

ur tired of TD?
or blogging?

Miss Aida said...

Stupidity can be contagious. Look at America.